Indicators and help for a troubled soul

Currently I’m reading and gleaning much from the book, Gospel Coach: Shepherding Leaders to Glorify God by Scott Thomas and Tom Wood. I believe its a very key resource in discipling anyone, not just leaders, to better follow Christ in everyday life and ministry. One of the helpful things I’ve found in the book is … More Indicators and help for a troubled soul

Common ways to bring faith into everyday conversation

Recently, I’ve been studying and discussing the book, A Field Guide for Everyday Mission by Ben Connelly and Bob Roberts, Jr., with some guys from my church. In this book, I would like to share some helpful insights when it comes to sharing our faith in everyday life. If we really believe that we are … More Common ways to bring faith into everyday conversation

What could the church look like as an attractive alternate community?

As I continue to read Michael Goheen’s excellent new book, Introducing Christian Mission Today, I am regularly provoked and inspired on what it means to be the church who finds its identity in the story of God’s mission. In particular, I would like to highlight one small area of the book where Goheen writes about the … More What could the church look like as an attractive alternate community?

How can I answer the question…

How many times do you come away from a conversation wishing you had better, more winsome responses to difficult questions, especially ones concerning life and faith? I’m a huge advocate for Porterbrook Learning, a theological training course equipping Christians for ministry in the local church that connects the heart and mission to the Bible story. Recently, … More How can I answer the question…

Leftover Discipleship

I came across the phrase “leftover discipleship” recently in reading the outstanding material by Porterbrook in their book titled, Gospel Living. Leftover discipleship is described as “my commitment to the church and to Christian service comes from the leftovers of my life, and my giving is from the leftovers of my money.” I wonder how … More Leftover Discipleship

14 Predictions for American Churches in 2014

I thought this list of predictions for the church in America by Thom Rainer was interesting.  Here are his predictions with percentages of probability: Increased church acquisitions. Smaller churches will seek to be acquired by larger churches in increasing numbers. One of the big factors is simply personnel cost. Many smaller churches can no longer … More 14 Predictions for American Churches in 2014

A summary of gospel change in a Christian’s life

I’m excited to begin studying the material from Porterbrook Network this January. One of the first courses is titled Gospel Change. This course teaches us how to apply the gospel to our everyday lives for both our growth in Christlikeness and to better minister the gospel to others. In this course I discovered what may … More A summary of gospel change in a Christian’s life